The way I commonly do pre-edge is to fit with some form plus a power-law 
singularity representing the initial rise of the edge, then
subtract out that "some form".  Now, that form can be either linear, 
linear+E^(-2.7) (for transmission), or linear+ another power-law
singularity centered at the center passband energy of the fluorescence 
detector.  That latter is for fluorescence data which is affected by
the tail of the elastic/Compton peak from the incident energy.  Whichever form 
is taken gets subtraccted from the whole data range, resulting
in data which is pre-edge-subtracted but not yet post-edge normalized.  The 
path then splits; for EXAFS, the usual conversion to k-space, spline
fitting in the post-edge, subtraction and division is done, all interactively.  
Tensioned spline is also available due to request of a prominent user.
For XANES, the post-edge is fit as previously described.  Thus, there's no 
distinction made between data above and below E0 in XANES, whereas
there is such a distinction in EXAFS.

On 5/15/2013 8:25 AM, Matt Newville wrote:
Hi Matthew,

On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 9:57 AM, Matthew Marcus <> wrote:
What I typically do for XANES is divide mu-mu_pre_edge_line by a linear
function which goes through the post-edge oscillations.
This division goes over the whole data range, including pre-edge.  If the
data has obvious curvature in the post-edge, I'll use a higher-order
polynomial.  For transmission data, what sometimes linearizes the background
is to change the abscissa to 1/E^2.7 (the rule-of-thumb absorption
shape) and change it back afterward.  All this is, of course, highly
subjective and one of the reasons for taking extended XANES data (300eV,
for instance).  For short-range XANES, there isn't enough info to do more
than divide by a constant.  Once this is done, my LCF programs allow
a slope adjustment as a free parameter, thus muNorm(E) =
(1+a*(E-E0))*Sum_on_ref{x[ref]*muNorm[ref](E)}.  A sign that this degree of
may be being abused is if the sum of the x[ref] is far from 1 or if
a*(Emax-E0) is large.  Don't get me started on overabsorption :-)

Thanks -- I should have said that pre_edge() can now do a
victoreen-ish fit, regressing a line to mu*E^nvict (nvict can be any
real value).

Still, it seems that the current flattening is somewhere between
"better" and "worse", which is unsettling...  Applying the
"flattening" polynomial to the pre-edge range definitely seems to give
poor results, but maybe some energy-dependent compromise is possible.

And, of course, over-absorption is next on the list!

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