There are a number of known problems with the current version of Artemis. It's pretty much impossible for me to troubleshoot without examples being posted to the mailing list.


On 04/07/2014 11:17 AM, Matt Newville wrote:
Hi Alexander,

I think you may not alone in having this issue.   You should be using
normalized chi(k) in Artemis, but I don't think Artemis would be
reading chi(k) from the project file incorrectly.... Perhaps there is
something strange about how you're doing the normalization?   Or
perhaps it is just a question of what k-weighting is being used for
the plot. Unfortunately, the PNGs I see have been cropped and don't
show the labels of the axes.

I'm sending this to the Ifeffit mailing list, where you'll probably
get a more complete answer.

On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 9:57 AM, Britz, Alexander
<> wrote:
Dear Mr. Newville,

I came across a problem when I import an ATHENA project after normalization 
into ARTEMIS. Maybe you could tell me who to contact about this problem. Let me 
try to explain it in few words:

I normalize my EXAFS data in ATHENA and safe it a s a .prj file. When I open 
the .prj file in ARTEMIS I noticed, that the amplitude of some oscillations 
have changed. When I save the chi(k) as .txt, this problem does not occur. When 
I open the chi(k) text file in ARTEMIS, the normalization and the amplitude of 
the oscillations are exactly the same as in ATHEN.

I have attached a .png file for the EXAFS in k-space. It is the same .prj file, 
one time opened in ARTEMIS, one time in ATHENA. To be more specific, the 
amplitude of the oscillation at k=3 is -1.4 and -1.6, respectively.

Thank you very much for your help in advance!

Best regards from Hamburg,

Alexander Britz
European XFEL GmbH
Tel. +49 (0)40 8998-6986
Fax +49 (0)40 8998-1905

Postadresse: Notkestraße 85, 22607 Hamburg
Sitz: Albert-Einstein-Ring 19, 22761 Hamburg

Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Massimo Altarelli, Dr. Claudia Burger
Registriert als European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility GmbH
beim Amtsgericht Hamburg, HRB 111165

 Bruce Ravel  ------------------------------------

 National Institute of Standards and Technology
 Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2
 Building 535A
 Upton NY, 11973

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