On 03/11/2015 04:59 AM, Raj kumar wrote:
Dear All,

Recently, i have faced automatic shutting down of artemis during the
import of chi file. For more clarification, please see the first log file.

Also, i observed emptying of .fpj files. This happens during the saving
of old .apj to .fpj or/and during the frequent saving of .fpj files
after .apj conversion. Please see the second log file for this problem.

I need to be able to reproduce these errors on my own computer. Without an example of data that triggers the problems, I can't do much.



 Bruce Ravel  ------------------------------------ bra...@bnl.gov

 National Institute of Standards and Technology
 Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS-II
 Building 535A
 Upton NY, 11973

 Homepage:    http://bruceravel.github.io/home/
 Software:    https://github.com/bruceravel
 Demeter:     http://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/
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