This is an application for an acronym: SIMWA!  Security In My Way Again!

On 10/22/2015 11:46 AM, Matt Noerpel wrote:
Thank you for your time, Bruce.

The IT person tried it with and without the AV running (Symantec) and neither 
worked.  Additionally, the AV does run in Safe Mode.  I agree the problem is 
with our computer setup and not the software.  I will let the list know if we 
figure out what is causing the problem.



On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 1:55 PM, Bruce Ravel < 
<>> wrote:

    Hi Matt,

    I am without any further ideas for you.  No one else has reported a
    similar situation, other than the recent reports of trouble with AV.
    Demeter is used by hundreds of people on Windows, including many
    government and government lab employees (like myself).  So I really am
    inclined to think that the problem is local, not global.

    While I am impressed that your IT person spent so much time and effort
    investigating this and I am sympathetic that it was all for naught, I
    do want to point out that I don't see anything in the long list of
    diagnostics that actually addresses my one suggestion -- namely that
    you are seeing some kind of conflict related to AV permissions.

    All that said, I am always happy to incorporate changes to the
    software and the packaging.  If you can suggest something substantive
    that I can do to improve the packaging in a way that will help you
    over your hurdle, I am all ears.


    On 10/21/2015 09:32 AM, Matt Noerpel wrote:

        Hello Bruce,

        The IT guy just sent me the following report on his efforts to get
        Demeter to run.  He was only able to get it to run in Safe Mode and Safe
        Mode with Networking.  Here's his full message:

        I regret to inform you still no joyL

        Here’s a breakdown of what I have been working with:

        Symptoms:  When program attempts to execute, it launches the startup
        screen briefly, hangs, and then the application is terminated.

        Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions

        Both patches from the Demeter website

        Normal mode

        Last known good configuration

        Selective startup

        Disabled all non-critical local services

        Terminated all non-critical system and user processes

        Uninstalled Java

        Uninstalled .NET framework

        Reinstalled Java

        Reinstalled .NET framework

        Adjusted memory settings for best performance

        Verified use has full control of all of their profile data (including
        appdata) and installation directory

        Attempted as a normal user and administrative user

        Windows 95 compatibility mode

        Windows 98 compatibility mode

        Windows NT 4.0 compatibility mode

        Windows 2000 compatibility mode

        Windows XP (SP2) compatibility mode

        Windows XP (SP3) compatibility mode

        Windows Server 2003 (SP1) compatibility mode

        Windows Server 2008 (SP1) compatibility mode

        Windows Vista compatibility mode

        Windows Vista (SP1) compatibility mode

        Windows Vista (SP2) compatibility mode

        Windows 7

        Disabled visual themes

        Disabled desktop composition

        Disable display scaling on high DPI settings

        Install to default location

        Install to a specific location C:\demeter (not default)

        Workstation was removed from domain and joined to workgroup

        Various reboots throughout

        It only works in:

        Safe mode

        Safe mode with networking

        Removing the computer from domain into workgroup has no bearing, so we
        can rule out EPA group policy.

        Also, since it doesn’t even work in clean mode (selective startup mode
        with extremely limited drivers), there are no incompatibilities that
        exist in Windows.

        I was hoping for sure that once we removed from EPA domain that it would
        have solved the problem as we were leaning towards that at one point.

        I believe that the problem is not on our end.

        Unfortunately this problem is outside our scope of control as helpdesk
        support.  I’ve talked to a couple other technicians as well.
        Nonetheless, thank you for your patience.

        I’m certainly available behind the scenes to try anything else, or try
        to apply any hotfixes from developers as they are released.  (I did give
        you full control of the directory on your computer for future 


        Does this make any sense to anyone?



        On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 5:30 PM, Bruce Ravel < 
        < <>>> wrote:

             On 10/14/2015 05:25 PM, Matt Noerpel wrote:

                 Thank you for your prompt reply.  The Ifeffit.dll file does 
exist in
                 that directory.  It was last modified on 3/16/2015 and is 753 


                 I will try a fresh install in the default directory next time 
an IT
                 person comes by our building.

             OK.  And tomorrow I will try installing not in the default place on
             some computer.  Perhaps there is a problem that I simply missed or


               Bruce Ravel  ------------------------------------ 
             < <>>

               National Institute of Standards and Technology
               Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS-II
               Building 535A
               Upton NY, 11973

             Ifeffit mailing list 


        Graduate Research Associate
        The Ohio State University
        Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering <> < 
        (617) 777-9340 <tel:%28617%29%20777-9340>

        Ifeffit mailing list 

      Bruce Ravel  ------------------------------------ 

      National Institute of Standards and Technology
      Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS-II
      Building 535A
      Upton NY, 11973

    Ifeffit mailing list <>

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