Hi Wuhib,

If these problems persist, instead of relying on Bruce or others, perhaps 
consider running a free virtual machine of windows to install Demeter. I have a 
Mac as a main computer and run the software through virtual Windows machine 
without much of problem. 

Just a thought,


Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 26, 2015, at 11:33 AM, Wuhib Tamrat <tam...@cerege.fr> wrote:
> I am assuming the obvious way to execute “Artemis” and “Hephaestus” you were 
> talking about would be to do the same thing as “Athena”; that is to type the 
> name of the software and execute. But, I have tried that for both and it did 
> not work. So I will wait for a response from a Mac expert on that.
> And when the program becomes unresponsive you guessed error messages might be 
> displayed on the terminal window which I neglected to include in my previous 
> mail. But no error messages exist.
> Thank you
> Wuhib
>> On 26 Oct 2015, at 14:35, Bruce Ravel <bra...@bnl.gov> wrote:
>> I am going to preface this comment, as I do with many about the Mac
>> package, by reminding you that I do not own a Mac and do not have any
>> personal experience running my own software on a Mac.  The Mac package
>> is graciously maintained by Joe Fowler, not because it is in his job
>> description to do so, but because he is a good and helpful guy.
>>> _Problem 2:_ Initially I tried installing the “demeter” suit via
>>> ‘Terminal’ as specified in the site
>>> [http://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/]. By writing a command on
>>> Terminal as opposed to with a disc image as in the case of Problem 1).
>>> My operating system at that time was Yosemite. All worked as explained
>>> on the website, even writing “athena” on a terminal window calls the
>>> program Athena.  But that is just it, no explanation as how to call
>>> Artemis or Hephaestus exist on the site.
>>> So I am wondering if the installation procedure given on the site works
>>> also with the other two programs and if so, is there a way to open them
>>> or call them via ’Terminal'.
>> So .... do I understand this correctly?  The program "Athena" is
>> executed by typing "athena" at the command line and your question is
>> about how to start "Artemis" or "Hephaestus"?
>> I would think that the answer was obvious, but perhaps one of the Mac
>> users on the list could weight in.
>>> _Problem 3:_ My last problem was when Athena closed unexpectedly. As
>>> most programs, Athena had an auto recover option which opens when it is
>>> restarted. But this time the auto recover option always comes up and
>>> this option renders the whole program inactive; “Application Not
>>> Responding”. Every time I open Athena, “Auto recover” option comes up
>>> and Athena become unresponsive. I tried updating the software in hope of
>>> changing something but that did not change anything. Uninstalling it is
>>> also a problem because there were no files that I could find to
>>> uninstall from or delete. I could not find the location where terminal
>>> installed the “Demeter” suit. There is a way to delete on terminal by
>>> writing “Sudo rm-rf/file name” but that is not removing “demeter” either.
>> If you start Athena from the terminal, it should write error messages
>> to the terminal when it runs into problems.  This is explained in some
>> detail here: http://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/pods/bugs.pod.html
>> and here: http://bruceravel.github.com/demeter/pods/help.pod.html
>> A useful, actionable bug report would include those error messages,
>> which tend to be a lot more helpful for me than this sort of
>> narrative, which is hard for me to understand.
>> B
>> -- 
>> Bruce Ravel  ------------------------------------ bra...@bnl.gov
>> National Institute of Standards and Technology
>> Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS-II
>> Building 535A
>> Upton NY, 11973
>> Homepage:    http://bruceravel.github.io/home/
>> Software:    https://github.com/bruceravel
>> Demeter:     http://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/
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