Hi Juan,

I just installed demeter and larch on an Ubuntu 16.04lts system today.
I can reproduce something like your error. I use the 10K Cu data in the examples

If I import it and don't select the numerator on import, the plot window has issues
(~10^307 axis limit), but the file gets listed in the data list.

I can get 10^9 for the energy axis by specifying keV instead of eV for the import energy.

i.e. Matt's question: Did you import the data correctly?
(and why 10^9 if it is supposedly multiplying by 1000?...would have thought 10^6...)

Did you import a number of datasets with mixed keV and eV energy scales? I did that once where the first file was in keV and subsequent ones in eV and the energy scale was decidedly
off for the subsequent ones.


On 11/23/2016 7:45 PM, Matt Newville wrote:
Hi Juan,

On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 12:43 PM, Juan de la figuera <juan.delafigu...@gmail.com <mailto:juan.delafigu...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Dear all,

    I have been installing demeter from git under ubuntu 16.04 LTS,
    following the non-root instructions from:

    I also installed xraylarch from git. Xaylarch is only missing:
    #=== Warning: Some recommended Python Packages are missing:
        epics:  needed for using the EPICS control system
        pyFAI:  needed for xrd modules

    It seems to work, but when I try to open a file that can be open
    properly from Athena installed on Windows, I get:

    Trying Larch server:
    Trying Larch server:  larch_server -p 4968 start
    larch_server port=4968: started

    gnuplot> set xrange [ 6900130000 : 7955610000 ]
            line 0: warning: integer overflow; changing to floating point

    gnuplot> set xrange [ 6900130000 : 7955610000 ]
            line 0: warning: integer overflow; changing to floating point

    and although it opens the data in a gnuplot window, the scale is
    off (7x10^9 instead of 7x10^3). I am assuming once it is confused
    about the scale, it makes a mess with the data.

Did you import the data correctly?

Did you try this with more than one data file?

Why did you not include that data file in your request for help?

If you had included the (or a) file giving you trouble, it would allow someone else to try to reproduce the problem, which might actually lead to an answer.


PS:  Athena version 0.8.061 is more than 5 years old and is not supported.

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