I was able to install Demeter on a mac (OS X el capitan 10.11.6).
Athena runs well, Hephaestus work intermittently. After a while, it crashes 
when using the periodic table.

·         After installation, I have this message in terminal:

“Some of the ports you installed have notes:
  p5.24-libwww-perl has the following notes:
    As of version 6.00, libwww-perl has been split into multiple packages. If
    you were using p5.24-libwww-perl for just one or two of its modules before,
    you may be able to pare down your installation to just those modules now.
    Other important changes have been made that may affect your code; for
    details, please see: /opt/local/share/doc/p5.24-libwww-perl/Changes”

·         The log in Hephaestus displays the following message:

11:31:46: Missing argument in sprintf at 
 line 183.


Raul Acevedo, PhD
Post Doctoral Research Associate – ISS beamline
NSLS-II, Bldg 743 C08U
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY 11973-5000
631 344 4181<tel:631%20344%204181>

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