Hi Michael,

On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 8:21 AM, Michael Stockenhuber <
michael.stockenhu...@newcastle.edu.au> wrote:

> Dear mailing list,
> Is there any way to save data as Chi( E),i.e., energy one column and
> chi(E) in the 2nd column? This was possible in the past and it would be
> great to have that to be able to import into excurv.


   ~> larch

   larch> dat = read_ascii(datafile_name)
   larch> # ... make sure you have mu(E) as  'dat.energy' and 'dat.mu'

   larch> autobk(dat, rbkg=1.0, kweight=1)  # may want other options

   larch> write_ascii('my_chie.txt', dat.energy, dat.chie)
   larch> plot(dat.energy, dat.chie, xlabel='E (eV)', ylabel=r'$\chi(E)$')

Hope that helps,
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