Hello All:

Illinois Tech's PHYS 570 (Introduction to Synchrotron Radiation) Course will be offered in the Spring semester of 2018 starting January 8, 2018. This is a graduate level course suitable for students in all science and engineering disciplines interested in learning more about synchrotron radiation production, instrumentation and experimental techniques. This is a for credit course which has both a live and online section. Lectures will be presented live on Tuesdays and Thursdays and will be posted for the online section within 12 hours through Illinois Institute of Technology's Blackboard system. A short description of the course is below.

If you have an interest in this course, please contact me (Carlo Segre <se...@iit.edu>) for more details.

PHYS 570 - Introduction to Synchrotron Radiation
Term:        Spring 2018, January 8, 2018 – May 5, 2018
Time:        Tuesday & Thursday 13:50-15:05
Location:    Live & Internet
Instructor:  Carlo U. Segre

Description: This is a graduate course which introduces students to the production, manipulation and use of synchrotron radiation in research. The course will include visits to, and possibly hands-on experience with, beamlines at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratory but is not specific to the APS. Students will be expected to give presentations and write a General User Proposal to the APS as their final projects. Graduate students in any science or engineering program are welcome to register as are undergraduates with senior standing and permission of instructor. It is particularly recommended for students wishing to make use of synchrotron radiation in their research. The class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays 17:00-18:15 and the lectures are available online as an Internet section for students not on the IIT campus or outside the United States.

Textbook: Elements of Modern X-Ray Physics, 2nd ed., Jen Als-Nielsen
          and Des McMorrow, (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 2011).
Topics Covered:
    • X-rays and their interaction with matter
    • Sources of x-rays
    • Refraction and reflection from interfaces
    • Kinematical Diffraction
    • Diffraction by perfect crystals
    • Photoelectric absorption
    • Resonant scattering
    • Small angle scattering
    • Other topics as appropriate

Course Organization: The grade will be based equally on homework assignments, student presentations and a draft General User Proposal to the Advanced Photon Source. There will be at least one field trip to the Advanced Photon Source for experiment demonstrations.

Carlo U. Segre -- Duchossois Leadership Professor of Physics
Interim Chair, Department of Chemistry
Director, Center for Synchrotron Radiation Research and Instrumentation
Illinois Institute of Technology
Voice: 312.567.3498            Fax: 312.567.3494
se...@iit.edu   http://phys.iit.edu/~segre   se...@debian.org
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