Hi Folks,

I realize that many of you will have received this from the IXAS mailing
list, but I'd like to invite everyone here to consider nominations for the
IXAS Awards too:

The Awards Committee of the International X-ray Absorption Society (IXAS)
seeks nomination for three awards. These awards will be presented at the
XAFS17 Conference in Krakow, Poland.
The three awards are:

1. The Edward Stern Outstanding Achievement Award: This is the highest
award of the International X-ray Absorption Society. Nominations are
invited across all disciplinary areas including both experimental
andtheoretical studies of XAFS. Award: $1000

2. The Farrel Lytle Outstanding Young Scientist Award for Theory and
Instrumentation: Nominee must have made remarkable contribution to the
field of X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Nominee should be within 8 years of
a Ph.D. (or equivalent) degree as of April 1, 2018. Award: $500

3. The Dale Sayers Outstanding Young Scientist Awards for Applications of
XAFS: Nominee must have made remarkable contribution to the field of X-ray
absorption spectroscopy. Nominee should be within 8 years of a Ph.D. (or
equivalent) degree as of April 1, 2018. Award: $500

Nominations should include a CV with publications, a letter of
recommendation and academic referees who can be contacted for further
reference.  The deadline for nomination is May 1, 2018.

Please send nominations by email to IXAS vice chair Matthew Newville


--Matt Newville
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