
That looks suspiciously like a file generated with Spec.  Enabling the
"SPEC"  (and/or "SpecFileLongLine") plugins in the Plugin registry doesn't
seem to work either.  I don't know why that doesn't work.

I am not an expert at dealing with spec files, but I was able to read this
file with PyMca, and with the larch Spec reader (which uses PyMca, and
requires it to be installed), using something like

  larch>  scan1_roi1 = read_specfile(FileName, scan=1, cntx='Energy',
csig='roi1', cmon='I0')

(and, indeed it looks like Zr XANES)   That's not exactly "open and read
with Athena", but hopefully it provides a clue....


On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 12:21 PM, Nathan Nakamura <>

> Hello Everyone,
> I'm fairly new to XAS/Athena, and recently collected XAS data at the F3
> beamline at CHESS. I have had trouble importing our data files into Athena
> for processing, and I did not see a plugin for this beamline. Has anyone
> experienced a similar problem and may be able to point me in the right
> direction? I've attached an example of one of our data files, as well as an
> image of the error I've been receiving.
> Thank you,
> -Nathan Nakamura
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