Hi Joel,

> I ran into the problem that some people seem to have with Demeter on mac
> upgrading to High Sierra. I found a fix on this mail list, but…

Yeah, Demeter on MacOS is a continuing challenge. Even when it can be
installed, parts of the GUI interaction are pretty buggy (I believe this
must be due to wxPerl on Mac).  MacPorts seems to need a fair amount of
attention and expects the end user to know Unix command line tools well
enough to be able to run updates and understand and react to error
messages.  For sure, it is a useful resource for developers, but it seems
like it is not really designed for deploying end-user software.

, I don't know of a better alternative for getting Demeter working on
MacOS. I've tried many of the alternatives, and wxPerl seems to be a real
stumbling block for all of them.

> 1) I can’t download Template.pm from the archive (bin file that
uncompresses to cpgz file
> that uncompresses back to a bin file…)

I think that the advice from Luke and Bruce back in April was to try to
find and install version 1.47 of Text::Template. You might find this at

and try unpacking and installing that.  There may be a way to specify
particular versions with the "cpan" program, but I do not know how to do
it.  I don't think we want "install old version of some library" to be a
long term solution (this will break other things eventually), but it might
work for you.

> 2) Matt mentions that he installed 0.9.26 from macports, but I see only
0.9.25 (stable & develop).

To clarify, in April I updated MacPorts to the latest versions, installed
the packages for Demeter 0.9.25.  Then I installed Demeter 0.9.26 from
source code on top of that.   That might also work
​, but it's probably more work than most folks would want to do.​


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