Hi Joseph,

You did the first few troubleshooting steps.  Good to know that gnuplot 
works by itself.

What is the value of preferences->gnuplot->program ?  On a linux 
machine, this parameter should simply be set to "gnuplot".  That means 
that gnuplot needs to be in the execution path.  Perhaps gnuplot is in 
an unexpected place on your machine?  Or perhaps it is called by an 
unexpected name?  If it is not in the normal execution path, try setting 
that parameter to the full path to the gnuplot executable.

The Gtk-CRITICAL warning is almost certainly a red herring.  That has to 
do with how one of the widgets in the main display gets sized when 
Athena is created.  It is noisy and annoying, but almost certainly not 
harmful or related to your plotting problem.


On 11/19/19 11:37 AM, Joseph Zsombor-Pindera wrote:
> Dear mailing list members;
> I've successfully built Demeter from source on my computer running 
> Ubuntu 18.04. Running "dathena", for example opens the familiar Athena 
> window. Once I try to plot something, however, I get no plot window. It 
> appears as if the program has done something, but the window just 
> doesn't appear.
> I have installed gnuplot-x11.
> running 'gnuplot -e "plot sin(x)"' produces no window, but
> 'gnuplot -p -e "plot sin(x)"' produces a plot, and if I just run
> 'plot sin(x)' within gnuplot, then I get the plot, so it appears that 
> gnuplot itself is working correctly.
> 'show terminal' results in:
> terminal type is wxt 0 enhanced
> I have tried changing the terminal to 'wxt' under 
> preferences>gnuplot>terminal in Athena, which didn't fix the problem.
> I have also tried changing the terminal to 'qt' and installing 
> gnuplot-qt. This didn't work, so I purged it and switched back to 
> gnuplot-x11.
> I haven't managed to get gnuplot to run with x11 as its default 
> terminal. It seems that the default terminal of gnuplot-x11 is wxt.
> I'm not sure if these matter, but when I run Athena, I get errors in the 
> terminal like this:
> (dathena:16207): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 11:55:29.414: 
> gtk_box_gadget_distribute: assertion 'size >= 0' failed in GtkCheckButton
> thanks,
> Joseph
> -- 
> *Joseph Zsombor-Pindera, BSc*
> PhD Student, UBC Chemistry
> C
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  Bruce Ravel  ------------------------------------ bra...@bnl.gov

  National Institute of Standards and Technology
  Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS-II
  Lead Beamline Scientist, 6BM (BMM)
  Building 743, Room 114
  Upton NY, 11973

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