Hi Stefan,

On Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 12:24 PM Mangold, Stefan (IPS) <
stefan.mang...@kit.edu> wrote:

> Dear all,
> tested the latest version on two Macs:

Sorry for the trouble.

> M1 on Big Sur
> XAS viewer starts up, but the open dialog doesn’t work, it doesn’t open at
> all

Oh, I can definitely believe that there could be problems on M1 chips.  I
don't have access to one of these, at least not yet, so have not done any
testing with that.  I don't know to what extent the underlying python
libraries are well-tested on M1 either.    In some ways "XAS Viewer starts
up" is an encouraging sign, but I don't know what might be going wrong from
there.   There isn't much you can do with XAS_Viewer without having read in
some data, so it might be hard to test further.

> old MacPro an 10.12.6
> XAS viewer starts up, but the open dialog starts up, but I get a message,
> the he can’t read in the file or files. These file worked with the older
> version.

Oh, can you send the files in question?  There were changes in reading
files that appear to be Spec files, but I think everything else should be
the same.    I don't think that OSX 10.12 is old enough to have "known

> In both cases I started with an anaconda installation and made the update.
> Matt, I can sent you more information.

Yes, that would be helpful.  Thanks,

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