Dear all,

NSLS-II is seeking high-profile candidates for the lead scientist position of 
the QAS beamline. The lead beamline scientist has a vision, defines the 
strategy to advance the science program, enhances the beamline capabilities and 
proposes facility improvements and upgrades. The lead beamline scientist 
develops, monitors, and maintains safe operating conditions at the beamline and 
provides oversight of all staff and users of the beamline. The lead beamline 
scientist is responsible for the operation of the beamline in support of the 
NSLS-II facility users, supervises a group of scientific and technical staff, 
reaches out effectively to the relevant scientific and industrial user 
communities, develops collaborative programs, and liaises with vendors. The 
lead beamline scientist works closely with users, oversees the design, 
implementation, maintenance and upgrade of the beamline equipment, provides 
guidance and oversees progress in advanced data management and analysis.

Eli Stavitski, PhD,
Inner Shell Spectroscopy (ISS) Lead Beamline Scientist
National Synchrotron Light Source-II
Bldg. 743, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY 11973-5000
631 344 8641<>

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