Hi All, Larch version 0.9.57 has been released and is available on PyPI ( https://pypi.org/project/xraylarch). It should now be installed by default using most installation mechanisms, and you may see a notice to update if running xas_viewer.
The updates are described in some at https://github.com/xraypy/xraylarch/releases/tag/0.9.57 and in the github commit history. This includes adding support for reading RIXS data files from ESRF BM16, better support for de-glitching in XAS_Viewer, and fixing of reading of many Athena Project Files that were saved in the "old style" and have non-ASCII characters (the code now correctly reads the 78 Project files at https://github.com/xraypy/xraylarch/tree/master/examples/xafsdata/AthenaProjectFiles ). Much of the work for this release has come from Mauro Rovezzi. In a conversation we had yesterday about this release, we talked about several potential changes going forward, especially for XAS_Viewer, about saving processing history, how to improve the concept of "reference spectrum" for a measurement, and other topics related to keeping track of analysis history and provenance. Some of these ideas are encapsulated in Github Issues at https://github.com/xraypy/xraylarch/issues, and the plan is to work on this. One possibility would be to be able to read and export to Athena Project files but use a different format (probably HDF5) as a new default "Larch Project File" so that more complexly nested data and some sort of "journal" per data set could be saved, displayed, edited, and so on. If anyone here has some thoughts on how such topics could or should be handled, please let us know. If you have other ideas on what might be added or improved, also don't hesitate to speak up, either in conversations here or on Github. Cheers, --Matt Newville
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