Dear Matt and Carlo and Liam,

I agree with Matt and Carlo that phase corrected plots are not a great idea, I 
think they lead people to forget that they are not looking at a radial 
distribution function  and encourages people to think they can read distances 
off  a plot of the amplitude of the FT of overlapping sine waves reliably.


J F W Mosselmans
Principal Beamline Scientist I20
Diamond Light Source
Harwell Campus
OX11 0DE

01235 778568

Message: 1
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2022 16:53:03 -0600
From: Matt Newville <>
To: XAFS Analysis using Ifeffit <>
Subject: Re: [Ifeffit] Plotting chi(R) from FEFF in XAS Viewer (Larch)
        with phase correction
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Hi Liam,

Yes,  this is not currently available.  It would not be hard to enable, but I 
am not sure it is a great thing to do. I admit that I sort of find that 
phase-correction plots need a lot of explanation, and so are prone to causing 
confusion.  They might be useful for Pt metal, but they cannot really be 
correct for multi-atomic systems.  Well, I guess "correct" is not the only 
consideration ;).

I guess I would ask if there are suggestions and input from people teaching 
XAFS on whether phase corrections (and probably a handful of other "tricks"
or analysis variations) are actually useful or just confusing.

On Tue, Dec 13, 2022 at 7:58 AM Liam Nagle-Cocco <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> In Artemis it is possible to plot chi(R) for FEFF-fit, with the phase 
> corrected - i.e. bond length corrected for deltaR. This is shown in 
> this screenshot below ("Use this path for phase corrected plotting"). 
> Is this possible in XAS Viewer?
> Liam Nagle-Cocco *(he/his)*
> PhD Student in Condensed Matter Physics | Cavendish Laboratory
> Welfare Officer 2022-2023 | Jesus College MCR 
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