Dear Danting,

As suggested by Carlo, reducing the core-hole broadening in the convolution parameters will give sharper features in the simulation. After that, I would adjust the Fermi level (again, at the convolution step) to get a better agreement with the first shoulder below the white line. Furthermore, you may adjust the lattice parameter to get a better agreement with the fine structure. If the sample is single crystal and wurtzite, you should take into account the polarization too.

To get a more detailed feedback, it would be good practice to share the FDMNES input file (including the convolution parameters) and more details about the measurement (e.g. transmission mode or fluorescence?, which polarization?, geometry?, monochromator resolution?, etc.) and the sample (powder or single crystal? Zincblende or wurtzite?, etc.).


On 03/02/2023 17:12, Chen, Danting wrote:
Dear All,

I tried to run some simulations through FDMNES about XANES of ZnO with the absorber of Zn, and there are the results for simulated ZnO (red) compared with the experimental one (Green curve).

The white line matches well but the two additional peaks are not shown in the spectrum of simulated ZnO. I attached the input file for FDMNES here. Do you have any idea to improve it? I am quite new to running the simulation and would appreciate if you can give me some directions to modify it.

Best Wishes,


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