Hi Soyoung,

I would not place too much importance to the value of the "Importance" factor 
;)    That is, it is a quick estimate of the importance of a Path so that it 
might be filtered out.    As you'll notice, the first path always has an 
Importance factor of 100, making comparisons between calculations difficult.

If you want to check how the scattering amplitude varies with angle, say to 
check how close it is to cosine-squared, I recommend reading in the Path files 
and integrating the magnitude of chi(k).

From: Ifeffit <ifeffit-boun...@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov> on behalf of Soyoung 
Kim <soy...@lbl.gov>
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2024 3:01 PM
To: XAFS Analysis using Ifeffit <Ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov>
Subject: [Ifeffit] [IFEFFIT] Polarized FEFF calculation

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Dear XAFS community,

I have a series of Ru K-edge data on a single-crystal RuO2 sample measured at 
different incident X-ray angles. Because of the linear polarization of X-rays, 
the EXAFS of this single-crystal sample depends on the X-ray angle. I am trying 
to fit the four EXAFS spectra simultaneously with one set of parameters to 
extract the deltaR and MSRD parameters of this sample.

For oriented samples, N for a certain single scattering path is supposed to be 
proportional to 3*cos^2(θ), where θ is the angle btwn the X-ray's e-vector and 
the absorber-scatterer vector. Instead of manually calculating the 3cos^2(θ) 
for all of the scattering paths in RuO2 (there are 7 single and 3 multiple 
scattering paths that need to be included to achieve a good fit with a 
reference RuO2 powder sample), I decided to use the polarization card in my 
FEFF input. For example, for one of the X-ray angles, the e-field vector would 
be (1, 0, 0), so I added the line "POLARIZATION 1 0 0" in the FEFF input file.

Running this input file gave me a list of paths that had different importance 
values for each path compared to the non-polarized (isotropic) calculation. 
Since "importance" is the relative magnitude of each path's scattering 
contribution (integration of the chi(k)), I thought that it would be 
proportional to 3cos^2(θ). That is, for path i from a FEFF calculation for 
angle a, the "importance" (abbreviated as "Imp") of that path would be:
Imp(a)_i = C(a) * Imp(iso)_i * 3cos^2(θ_i)
where C(a) is a constant for each angle that accounts for the fact that 
importance values are relative (because it is scaled so that the first path in 
the list has an importance of 100).

Now, I wanted to check whether the polarized FEFF calculations really follow 
this relationship underlined above. So, I tried manually calculating the values 
of 3cos^2(θ) for two of the paths from the same polarized FEFF calculation, 
then plug them into the above equation to get C(a). But, as the table below 
shows, the C(a) values are not the same. FEFF 1 has a disagreement that is 
small enough to ignore, but the disgareement of C(a) values for The 
disagreement is small enough to ignore for FEFF 1, but for FEFF 2 and 3 the 
disagreements are quite large.
*FEFF 1, 2, 3 designate individual polarized FEFF calculations. FEFF 1 was with 
polarization vector = (1, 0, 0). FEFF 2 and 3 were with polarization vector = 
(0.85, 1.13, 0). For this polarization, the two Ru sites gave different lists 
of paths.

I do think the qualitative trend of the "importance" values in the polarized 
FEFF calculations is correct, and I can get a bad but not-disastrous fit from 
simultaneously fitting the data from different angles. However, the above 
analysis makes me wonder whether the "importance" values from polarized FEFF 
are truly proportional to 3cos^2(θ), and whether my fitting models for 
different angles, which I derived from the polarized FEFF calculations, are 
correct. An alternative would be to manually calculate 3cos^2(θ) for all the 
paths, but I'm not sure how to calculate it for multiple scattering paths.

One note, I am running the FEFF calculation with Larix to get the importance 
values (labeled as "amp ratio" in the list.dat file, in the FEFF output 
folder). I wonder if the default settings for getting these amp ratios are not 
accurate enough for my purposes. It would be nice if I could just pull out the 
3cos^2(θ) terms from the FEFF calculations...

Anyways, thank you very much for reading this rather lengthy question. Hope it 
makes sense, and I would appreciate any help regarding this.


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