Hi Folks,

As some of you may have heard, there will be a virtual Q2XAFS (Quality and 
Quantity for X-ray Absorption Fine Structure) symposium series this summer, 
with presentations from Working Groups defined and formed at the 2023 Q2XAFS 
meeting in Melbourne last August.  Details for this summer’s series are at 
 , including a registration form.

I will be giving the first of the presentations, on July 26 (0600 Seattle, 1400 
London, 2200 Tokyo), describing the work of a Working Group on Data Formats and 
Metadata.   Our Working Group has made good progress on defining a NeXuS/HDF5 
definition for XAS data which is compatible with XDI and fits the typical 
NeXuS/HDF5 requirements.  We have started working on tools to convert between 
XDI, NeXuS/HDF5, and even to help convert “raw” beamline data into this format, 
to make it easy to convert raw beamline data into these two formats for 
uploading to databases, data portals, supplemental information, etc.

We have a pretty good collection of “real-world, as-collected” XAS data (see 
 ) that we are working with as test cases.  Please let us know if the data you 
get from your facility is in some other format (including binary files such as 
HDF5, or even into some database or “document store”).  That is, if Larix or 
Athena struggles to read your data files, please let us know.   If you can, 
please send an example file (you can send it directly to me or use 



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