Am Freitag, 20. Juli 2007 15:20:04 schrieben Sie:
> Just went through this mail chain, here are my 2 cents
> 1. Have a default Simias.config file (the etc/simias/bill/Simias.config can
> be extended to have the default values). SimiasServerSetup anyway takes
> care of recreating the whole file, so no code change is needed. This should
> be copied to the store location. Also Simias.log4net from etc/simias along
> with the modules directory in etc/simias/bill.
> 2. For apache, we can have soft links to the already existing conf files in
> etc/simias/default from the respective apache directories of the linux
> flavors. Only thing is to make mod_mono.conf to load before, but I assume
> this is handled in the discussion below.
This is already done in the rpms and was the "old" way. The default (bill) 
config got linked.
But as we discovered in the Thread "latest build" the Simias.config in there 
lacks some configuration values, which were introduced in the latest code.
So this doesn't work anymore.

>  Or I would suggest have simias-server-setup --simple-setup kinda option,
> so that we need not do so many things in the %post section of RPM.

Now we search for the best way to configure a simple/local setup. 
_Either_ with an updated default config (bill) - 
_or_ with removing the template (bill) and relying 
onto "simias-server-setup --simple-setup"

IIRC its a good practice in openSUSE packaging to at least provide a simple 
config with the rpm - and i vote for that in iFolder, too.

So here's a short summary of some pros/cons:

Solution A
Extend default config and handle distro specific part in the rpm %post:
+ Easy to implement as only links need to be made, no code-change in 
+ Simple installation, install rpm and go
- Problem with IP address (Jony's hints on the public/private ip)
- Makes packaging more difficult

Solution B
Extend "simias-server-setup" with "--simple-setup" and call this withhin %post
+ Only one configuration method, not 2 as now (default and 
+ easy for unexperienced users
- simias-server-setup (and the other *setup, too) must handle distro-specific 
paths (/etc/apache2/conf.d/ in SUSE  and e.g. /etc/httpd/ in fedora)
- needs code change

I can do some work on A whereas B requires some work on the code itself.
A can handle distro-specific things better, because packages are somewhere 
distro-specific and could be implemented fast (add values, repackage).
B is better for long-term.

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