I have the package from download.opensue.org, opensuse 10.3, Gnome.

I have iFolder clients on 2 computers. I have one user and I login with the same user in that two clients.

If I add a file on one computer and synchronize with the server the changes are nor visible during the syncronization on the secomd computer.

The same I have if I add a file using the web interface - this file is not downloaded during the synchronization.

How to reproduce such an error:
1. Make a user in your serwer.
2. On the first computer login as this user and uploud a folder.
3. On the secound computer login as this user and download the folder.
4. Add a file do the folder on the secound computer and synchronize
5. Syncronize on the first computer - the added file in not coppied to the first computer

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