For what it is worth, I second this request.



Dominik L. Borkowski wrote:
First of all, big thank you to everybody involved with iFolder: great work. We've been impressed with the maturity of this product and its core functionality.

Having said that, I'd like to bring a few issues that I think are important, especially in light of the new release right around the corner. I'll try to split off those concerns into different e-mails, rather than overcrowding a single thread.

In this particular e-mail I'd like to concentrate on the subject of testing releases for iFolder client and server. It seems that unless one is a developer, being able to test what's in the works is a bit hindered.

Until recently, the only place one could find testing opensuse packages was

Seems that now we have a new repo in build services:

What about macosx and windows clients? There haven't been any more beta clients since 3.7.3 beta2, which was out in June. We'd love to help by testing newer releases, unfortunately lack of packages is making it harder. What are the chances of making those available before final release?

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