
I have some questions about rewire, would you please explain to me? Thanks
(1) Each iteration, two edges are randomly selected right? And the new edges
(which generated by the rewiring) can also be selected and to be rewire
(2) If I set  niter = 100, does it mean 100 edge pairs will be rewired? Is
there a probability that controls whether to rewire each selected edge
pairs? Some times a randomly selected edge pair can not be rewired, will
this counted a trial or only successfully rewired ones will be counted as a
(3) Sometimes, the rewired network will be divided into several components,
even when the original network is one connected component. Is there is a way
to control the rewire process make the network connected? I tried to just
selected the connected random network, but I can only get a few from 1000
random network, and I need much more.

 rewire(graph, mode = c("simple", "loops"), niter = 100)
niterNumber of rewiring trials to perform.



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