Dear igraph users,

Prerelease binaries are now available for IGraph/M, the Mathematica
interface for igraph.

In addition to the usual improvements, this release contains many
utility functions for handling weighted graphs and graph properties,
and easier graph styling.

If you find any problems or have any suggestions, please let me know,
so I can deal with them before the final release.

Platforms supported by this release: Windows 64-bit, OS X 10.9 or
later, Linux 64-bit, Raspberry Pi.

Summary of changes since version 0.3.0:

- New deterministic graph generators: IGKautzGraph, IGKaryTree,
IGCompleteGraph, IGCompleteAcyclicGraph, IGDeBruijnGraph,
IGChordalRing, IGEmptyGraph.
- New random graph generators: IGWattsStrogatzGame,
IGCallawayTraitsGame, IGEstablishmentGame.
- Other new functions: IGVertexTransitiveQ, IGEdgeTransitiveQ,
IGSymmetricQ, IGMinimalSeparators, IGSpanningTree.
- Renamed IGMinSeparators to IGMinimumSeparators.
- New utility functions:
   * Weighted graphs: IGUnweighted, IGWeightedAdjacencyGraph,
IGVertexWeightedQ, IGEdgeWeightedQ, IGVertexStrength,
IGVertexInStrength, IGVertexOutStrength.
   * Easier property handling and graph styling:  IGVertexProp,
IGEdgeProp, IGVertexMap, IGEdgeMap, IGVertexPropertyList,
   * Other: IGNullGraphQ, IGSimpleGraph.
- Bug fixes, polish, and documentation improvements.

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