> My 'raw' adjacency matrices have as values these numbers of co-occurrences
> (as you say: the number of interactions) between each pair of birds.
> However for constructing my networks I do not use these absolute values
> (nr. of occurrences) as edge weights but a standardized value. This
> standardized value is actually the number of co-occurences 2 birds have
> divided by the sum of all co-occurrences both of these 2 birds had with
> other birds (including with each other) during that day.

In this case the weights behave very much like "probabilities" for a random
walker that traverses the graph (the sum of weights of each outbound edge
incident on a node is 1); your best bet is a measure that has an underlying
random-walker-like assumption like eigenvector centrality or PageRank.

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