Yes, you can easily make money online 
and you don't even need a website.

Dear friend,

You can easily make money online 
and you don't even need a website.

Here are two ways you can quickly 
and easily generate an online income. 
And you'll be happy to know that the 
Google search engine loves both of 
these methods.

Classified ads are a very popular way 
to make money online. And since 1999, 
USfreeAds has been making it incredibly 
easy to set-up an account and start 
advertising products.

NOW, before you can say "but I don't 
have a product" I have some great news 
for you.

You don't even need your own product to 
do this.

There are thousands of companies that 
have affiliate programs, including most 
of the brand names you can think of. 
You can sign up for these at no cost, 
get links to include in your ads and 
you're ready to go.

All you need to do is set up an account 
at USfreeAds. 


Setting -up your account only takes a 
few minutes. You have two choices, you 
can use their free service or for a 
small fee you can upgrade your account. 

The upgraded account offers a host of 
additional services and is well worth 
the small fee.

Once your account is set-up you can 
start writing ads that include your 
affiliate link. Because of the huge 
amount of traffic visiting USfreeAds, 
you can start generating traffic to 
your ad right away.

You can write small classified ads 
using a couple of paragraphs, or you 
can write article-length ads from 250
to 750 words.

When visitors click on your affiliate 
link they are taken to a sales page 
about that product. If they buy the 
product, you receive a commission. 

It's just that simple.

Articles are the second way to generate
money online without a website.

You can write a product review of a 
product you're advertising on USfreeAds. 
At the bottom of your article, you are 
allowed a Resource Box and in that box
you can include a link to your USfreeAds 
page where you advertise that product.

Now you can submit your article to places 
like and 
just to name a few.

Writing an article and having it 
distributed gets your article on 
search engines, other websites, 
blogs and in ezines.

Keep in mind that when you write your 
ads on USfreeAds, you can include 
affiliate links inside the body of 
your short ad or article length ad.

But you can not place affiliate links 
in the body of an article or in your 
Resource box.

If you don't think you can write well 
enough to write a 250 to 750 word 
article, I'm here to tell you that 
you can. It just takes some practice. 
My first articles were pretty bad, 
but I didn't give up. I kept writing 
and learning how to put together 
articles that work -- and you can too!

As you learn how to make money online
without a website, you'll discover what
works for you and what doesn't. 

And while no one can give you any kind 
of guarantee regarding the amount of 
money you can make, Travis Sago of 
BumMarketing reports making from 
hundreds to thousands of dollars each 
month using these methods.

Not bad when you consider that it 
costs you nothing.

Now before you rush off to start 
building your USfreeAds empire, 
here are a few important tips to 

Don't make the mistake of trying to 
compete with the big cats online. 
You need to focus on small niches. 
Those are keywords and phrases that 
have a high demand and a small supply.
You'll reach more people and have a 
much better chance as you learn how 
to make money online without a website.

Discover more about USfreeAds and a 
free article distribution site by 
clicking on the links following this 

Yes, you can easily make money online 
and you don't even need a website. 
All it takes is a little effort on 
your part as you learn how to put 
together classified ads and how to 
write articles.

Now get busy and start making some 
money online -- you deserve it.

Learn how Online Classifieds work! 
And for free distribution of your 
articles visit

By Mike Dougherty "Grandpa Mike"

Register free and start putting ads 

>> >>


PS: If you want your ads to appear in 2000
classified website in one shot, consider this

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