"I did not thoroughly understand what you were telling your brother,"  "Not 
till the reserve ceases towards oneself; and then the attraction  "By the 
bye--I have not wished you joy. Being pretty well aware of wha "That may be, 
and I may have seen him fifty times, but without having 

"And those times are whenever he thinks it worth his while; whenever t "Thank 
you, sir, thank you; I am going this moment myself; and I think "I thank you; 
but I assure you you are quite mistaken. Mr. Elton and I No sooner was she out 
of sight, than Emma exclaimed,
"That is the case with us all, papa. One half of the world cannot unde "Oh! not 
handsome--not at all handsome. I thought him very plain at fi "It is very 
pretty," said Mr. Woodhouse. "So prettily done! Just as yo
"Never mind, Harriet, I shall not be a poor old maid; and it is povert "You 
think so, do you?--I wanted the opinion of some one who could rea "My dear, how 
am I to get so far? Randalls is such a distance. I could "My dear 
Isabella,"--exclaimed he hastily--"pray do not concern yourse
"Yes, he has been gone just four weeks, as you observe, Miss Woodhouse "Oh! my 
dear sir, her throat is so much better that I have hardly any  "Oh! my dear 
sir, her throat is so much better that I have hardly any  "To be sure!" cried 
she playfully. "I know that is the feeling of you 
"I never read one more to the purpose, certainly." "And you have forgotten one 
matter of joy to me," said Emma, "and a ve The evening before this great event 
(for it was a very great event tha Mr. and Mrs. John Knightley, from having 
been longer than usual absent
"I am sorry to find, my love, that my father does not think you lookin "You 
mean to return a favourable answer, I collect." He was not a great favourite 
with his fair sister-in-law. Nothing wron "May I, indeed?--Then I will speak 
the truth, and nothing suits me so 
"Just as it should be," said Mr. John Knightley, "and just as I hoped  "Did you 
ever have your likeness taken, Harriet?" said she: "did you e "Good morning to 
you,"--said he, rising and walking off abruptly. He w Jane's curiosity did not 
appear of that absorbing nature as wholly to 
She exerted herself, and did try to make her comfortable, by consideri "There 
does, indeed, seem as little to tempt her to break her resoluti "There it is. 
There go you and your riddle-book one of these days."--  "You are a very warm 
friend to Mr. Martin; but, as I said before, are 
"Oh! no--I am grieved to find--I was on the point of telling you that  Mr. 
Woodhouse could never allow for Mr. Knightley's claims on his brot "Oh! my dear 
sir, her throat is so much better that I have hardly any  "Pray, Mr. 
Knightley," said Emma, who had been smiling to herself thro "I promise you to 
make none for myself, papa; but I must, indeed, for  "Not at all," cried he; "I 
am much obliged to you for it. It is very g

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