Thought you all might be interested in how the CSXT mess in the east is
affecting things elsewhere (note last sentence).

John Timm

-----Original Message-----
From: Craig L Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, November 23, 1999 5:37 AM
Subject: WS: 7985 feet, it that all.

> I bitched to McCarren, our new Eddie B. look alike, about a 9100'
>manifest off the CSXT.  We had the train and were hanging out the west
>end of Lake Villa, we wouldn't fit anywhere else for a meet at Silver
>Lake.  When one of these dip shit disp. we have sez we need to shove back
>in the clear so that we won't kill 218 and another train, we killed them
>anyways.  Wees sez, well the conductor will have walk back  to rear to
>protect the crossings, wees emphasize 9100' trying to get out it   Dsp
>sez, do whatever it takes.  Wees cheat a little bit an pull the train up
>6000 - 7000' and then shove back over the crossings almost 2 miles back.
>Wees then pull out of siding and shove back 6000-7000' to shorten the
>walk.  then wees get hit five spots by the detector at Burlington further
>snarling the RR.
> The dsp asks where for the relief crew, we say Wauk, he says no
>Rubgy.  He runs us thru 10mph siding, 26.3 minutes.  Wees talk to disp
>with 20" left to move relief to a different road crossing, the relief is
>asleep and turns radio off.  We block a major YUPPIE NIMBY SUV road
>crossing with 3000' of train hanging out.  Relief shows up 20" later.
>DSP constantly asking if we are moving.  We reply every time, we are
>dead, we off the train and there's no relief crew in sight.
> McCarren, at employee meeting sez we have to dance their dance
>with eastern road.  Which means big train, but up nort, we run them short
>WC style.
>Craig Shaw
>Conductor Shops

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