Is this a request to FSUG-Trivandrum? or some other *private firms*? If it is not to any private firm and if it is to FSUG-Trivandrum, volunteers free/available on that day will surely come and help you.
I would have been there if i was in trivandrum, but unfortunately i wont be there in trivandrum. Prasad, Anoop John, Joju, Manuel, Aashik, Saral, Gokul, Syam, Kurian, David John, Vimal Joseph, James Mathew, Anand Raj, and myself are few of the FSUG volunteers who can help you. Others please come up and if you are available please support Crossroads team. They have come up with a good intention. I am really sorry i will not be available from 19th to 27th. *Consider this as a call for volunteers, please join the initiative and provide the help that you can. All who can assist them please send a reply message.* FSUG-Trivandrum is a purely volunteer organization. Just join the mailing list and call for volunteers and those who are free will surely come up and help you. Ultimately its the organizers duty to grab enough volunteers and provide infrastructure for the event. - From FSUG-Trivandrum you can have 94 A3 Posters which can be put on display. It can be useful in sharing the idea of free software and the hazards of proprietary software. - One banner of FSUG-Trivandrum. - Few hanging banners which gives idea on distros, and stands for that. - And ofcourse expert volunteers. So the organizer as of now has to arrange, PC's, power supply, power backup, an internet connection (optional), network cables, media for distribution and blank media for sale which inturn will be used by the visitor to copy a distro or video[1]. Few systems should be arranged for GNU/Linux gaming demonstration, few for GNU/Linux demonstration with popular softwares like, gimp, audacity, firefox, vlc media player, amarok, rhythm box etc. A projector for GNU/Linux demonstration, compiz demonstration and also for playing videos. One or two systems with a DVD writer and few distros which can be used to write the softwares to be given to visitors[1]. The posters and FSUG-TVM banner is currently with me. Please contact me if it is needed. -- Anoop Jacob Thomas 9846670945 --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ "Freedom is the only law". "Freedom Unplugged" You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "ilug-tvm" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For details visit the website: or the google group page: -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---