
On Jul 9, 1:15 pm, BINNY THOMAS <binn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestions. They are just what I want. Could  you  give me
> Links to sites which describe  them in detail.

  I have no issues helping you, but be aware of some problems. Even if
somebody helps you on some topic, you will still have to sort through
a lot of info and choose just enough relevant info to fit in a 20 min
presentation. Added to that, any info that I can provide you is
trivial. All that I know comes from sifting randomly through web pages
- most of which I don't maintain reference for. And, I am not a CS/IT
professional - I may not be the best person to help you, though I am
happy to do so. Perhaps you should seriously consider Bincy's offer to

  Another suggestion is about source of information. Wikipedia
maintains very good info for any subject. But treat it as a summary.
The real treasure trove of info is the external reference links
provided at the end of each wiki page. Anyway, here are some refs:

GPGPU graphics (offloading processing to GPU):
(informative presentation)
OpenCL - GPGPU programming framework
CUDA - parallel GPGPU architecture
PhysX - Game physics engine. Originally a separate processor, now
based on GPGPU (CUDA & OpenCL)
Refer wikipedia for above

Multiprocessor architectures:
The power wall, memory wall and ILP wall problems
SMP - Symmetric multiprocessor, ASMP- Assymetric multiprocessor, NUMA-
Non Uniform Memory Access
Check wikipedia for above along with respective example processor
How to Survive the Multicore Revolution: http://www.cilk.com/multicore-e-book/

Completely Fair Scheduler: 

QPI: http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/610

Cyber security tools: Far too many to explain. You can choose a few.
But each employs a different technique.

Gokul Das
"Freedom is the only law". 
"Freedom Unplugged"

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