Hi, I'm studying for Bsc. Computer Science. We have a mini project on
next sem. I found an article on August 2009 LFY, page no: 74 about
configuring an Internet Radio. Is it advisable to do it as a project?

Here's our guidelines:

Minor Projects & Seminar

"1. Aims:

Minor project will give an opportunity for students to prepare for the
major project and also contribute to achieving some of the objectives
of the major project. Minor projects shall also serve as an
opportunity for producing and distributing socially useful softwares.
Seminars will give an opportunity for the students familiarize
literature search, and to practice assimilating knowledge from
published literature on current and emerging topics and communicate
the same in their own words through a technical presentation.

3. Guidelines For Minor Project

Generally, guide lines for Major projects are applicable to Minor
project also. However, in view of the time allotment, the following
specific guidelines are applicable:
1. Individual projects are to be permitted, if desired by any student
2. Full-time attachment to any external organization is not mandatory,
mostly minor projects can be done in the college itself.
3. The type and scope of the project is completely flexible, the only
constraint being that considerable effort should be involved and
technical work should not be completely absent.
4. Specifically, web site development, game development, utility
software development, educational software development, Malayalam
computing, mobile computing etc are to be encouraged.
5.  No restrictions shall be placed  on the students in the choice of
platforms/tools/languages to be utilized for their project work,
though open source is strongly recommended, wherever possible. No
value shall be placed on the use of tools in the evaluation of the
6. It should be possible for students to develop softwares that cater
to the needs of the general public. Students are encouraged to develop
software products or software components which should be distributed
free through the university website. E-learning is a vast area
suitable for very effective distribution of such software for very
simple reason that there is scope for a large number of such programs
and most often they do not need maintenance or updation. They are to
be deployed with source code under General Public License (GPL) so as
to make it possible for others to make further improvements.
7. There shall be an internal supervisor for the minor project. While
an external supervisor is also permitted in cases where the students
opt attachment to external organizations, they shall not be assessing
the work.
5. Note on Assessment Of Minor Projects:
There shall be 4 components that will be considered in assessing a
minor project work, with weightage as indicated below. The first two
components will be considered as in-sem assessment and the rest as end-
sem assessment:
Quantum of technical and creative work: 40%
Quality of Project Documentation (precision, stylistics etc) 10 %
Effective Technical Presentation (relevant guidelines of seminar
applicable here too) of Project work  25 %
Viva (approximately half the questions shall enable students to
express what they did, and the rest can be challenging their knowledge
in the area of work) 25% "

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"Freedom Unplugged"

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