check permissions and ownership
Try whoami for the cron job and the owner/permission settings of the
bash and /usr/local/bin/wallChanger directories

On Jun 1, 10:31 am, irfan <> wrote:
> Hi all,
>    I wrote a script to change my wallpaper. Now i want to execute this
> automatically after a short duration. So i tried using crontab . But
> it doesnt works for me .
>  I manually executed the script and it is working well . "crontab -l "
> gives
> # m h  dom mon dow   command
> * * * * * /bin/bash  /usr/local/bin/wallChanger
> And from the log viewer , i can see entries saying crontab is
> executing the command .
> Jun  1 14:59:01 abc-laptop CRON[2964]: (abc) CMD (/bin/bash /usr/local/
> bin/wallChanger)
> pls help me to run the script from crontab.

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