Google, Microsoft and Apple
via Global Nerdy by Joey deVilla on 7/6/11

Google v microsoft v apple

To use a quote from The Simpsons: “It’s funny because it’s true.” While
Apple stuff is pretty neat, I sometimes get that feeling that they see
all programmers who don’t work for Apple as barely-tolerated,
not-really-trusted “fourth-party developers”.

This comic was created by Manu Cornet, the artist behind the comic org
charts of the big tech companies.

Update (Thursday, July 7th, 2011): Wow, there’s a lot of butt-hurt going
on about this comic. Remember: it’s the comic artist’s opinion, not
mine, and secondly, for the Apple fans — you do know that I work at
Shopify, which has more Macs on display than the local Apple store and
my desk look likes this, right?


V. Sasi Kumar
Free Software Foundation of India

"Freedom is the only law". 
"Freedom Unplugged"

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