There is a small update regarding this auto login script. If anybody
is using this script they will have to make some small corrections to
make the script working. You can get the latest script from

The older version will no longer work as the script was polling for a
file from The issue came into my attention when I saw
that somebody was abusing the script by checking connection status
every second instead of the 300 second set by default. This was found
to be rather heavy on the server and the service is no longer active
on server. Sorry about that. I will try to update the
script to some other mechanism that does not require accessing a URL.
I no longer use Asianet so this is not an immediate priority for me.
So those who are using this will have to figure out alternative ways
to check your connection status until the script is corrected.


| Zyxware Technologies
| Be the change you wish to see in the world, M. K. Gandhi

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"Freedom Unplugged"

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