On Tue, 2012-08-07 at 07:19 +0530, jaseem abid wrote:

> As Jaganadh posted already, 
>                                 > This forum doesnot stand to give
>                                 advice on pirating software . Matlab
>                                 may
>                                 > have linux version. Contact
>                                 mathworks to get a legal copy. Feel
>                                 free to
>                                 > refrain from posting piracy advice
>                                 in GNU/Linux or FOSS forums

Let me add to that. Yes, this forum is for discussions regarding
GNU/Linux and not regarding Windoze applications. But, the Free Software
community believes in sharing software freely, like knowledge, and for
us, the word "piracy" refers to looting that happens in the sea. So, let
us not use that word in connection with sharing software or knowledge.


V. Sasi Kumar
Free Software Foundation of India

"Freedom is the only law". 
"Freedom Unplugged"

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