Hi All,

SPACE & IIITMK are jointly organizing a training workshop on *Alfresco 
Document Management System* on *2/Jan/2013* at *IIITMK Lab, Technopark*. Please 
consider this as a formal invitation and respond back to us at the earliest 
to register if you are interested in taking part in the workshop. 
Registration closes by 30/Dec/2012 and participants are chosen on first 
come first serve basis. Only 20 participants are allowed. These are the 
details of the workshop.

*Training Title: *Alfresco Document Management System training
*Organised by*: SPACE & IIITMK
*Date*: 2/Jan/2013
*Venue*: IIITMK Lab, Technopark.
*Last date of registration*: 30/Dec/2012

*No. of participants*: 20(max)
*Schedule: *

Different Open Source and proprietary Document Management System
Alfresco reason for my choice
Installation pre-requistive
Installation (Live demo)
Administration and Configuration (Live demo)
Configuration for  CIFS
Configuration for IMAP (Drag and Drop email from  Mail Clients to DM)
Work flow
e.g. in which you can integrate Alfresco with other systems 

*Requirements: *

Laptop with 64 bit Linux OS. (or two persons can share a desktop.)

*Resource Person:** *Joseph John
*Trainer's profile(own words):*
Working as system admin in Dubai for Al-Ghurair Group in UAE. 
Active member of (http://www.meetup.com/emiratesloco/) 
Founder member of DuabiLUG <http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/dubailug/>, 
which is not active now 
Conducted  workshop for 
Actively participated in organizing Install 
Festival<http://www.meetup.com/EmiratesLoCo/photos/1287630/> at 
American University of Sharjah 
Actively participated in Ubuntu U partly 
Have implemented Open base based enterprise based solution in almost all 
the field which an organization need, some of the projects to mention are 
IP-PBX, Document Management, Project Management Tool, ISPConfig, Samba as 
PDC , Apache LDAP,..... etc. Few areas in which I have not implemented open 
source for enterprise are ERP, Process Management, OCR recgonization
Have been using Linux since I got Redhat 6.2 CD free from PC quest in late 
I have lost count of people who I had   directly mentored for open source 
In my home I have LINUX(dd-wrt,xbmc,vpn)
In short I am passionate about promoting and lobbying for  Open Source
I also have to mention that I am rated as community guru in Alfresco forum, 
I am not employed by Alfresco 
It is my personal interest to conduct the workshop no commercial interest 
directly or indirectly there for me

Thanks in advance,

Contact Persons
Ganesh H - 9446242358
Nikhil - 9446263698

"Freedom is the only law". 
"Freedom Unplugged"

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