Balaji Natarajan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> My PC Spec: Intel P4, 256 MB Ram, 40GB, Chipset Mother board.
> Presently I have installed Fedora 6 and I am stuck up with some
> resolution problems. It just shows up with 800x600 and not
> higher. I think it's because of my RAM size or the display
> driver.
> May I know are there any lighter distro for the above mentioned
> spec and can do away with the resolution problem.  Started few
> months back, my Linux journey is quite exciting and thanks for
> all of your support.

I run Debian etch on a pIII 800MHz, 128MB Ram, Trident on board
graphics card, and some 30GB hdd. I have 1024x768. Not really
snappy. But, definitely enough for my dad to check his mail and
read wikipedia.

.o. I'm a Free man. I use Free Software.

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