On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 10:19 PM, Thiagarajan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But , when it comes to "image" search , my vote goes to google.

That is quite interesting. I find the wisdom of the crowds - flickr
based image search - much better for most things. Where it doesn't
work is for celebrities / models types searches. It definitely works
much better. Here is an example:


> Well, Shall i know, What OS and "Searching Software ? "  they use ?
> i think,
> Google : GNU / Linux [ Debian ? ]
> Yahoo! : FreeBSD

Yahoo! uses FreeBSD on the front-end servers and mostly GNU/Linux
(RHEL) for the backend. The backend is mostly infrastructure from
Inktomi <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inktomi> and its a different
beast altogether. Backend is relatively much larger than the front-end
servers. The front-end servers are basically just a bunch of web
servers load balanced using Akamai's DNS service. The backend has
several different species of things co-existing and even competing :)

The 'tests' that are done inside Yahoo! claim statistically no
difference between Yahoo!'s results and Google's results for the top N
most common search terms. But I think Yahoo! Search has to improve a
lot for local queries (ex: "linux education in bangalore").

Here's something that you might find interesting:

http://developer.yahoo.com/searchmonkey/ - imagine searching for
"Linux CDs" and there being a nice result showing which ILUGC folks
have what CDs and what's their phone number - all in the search result



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