On 8/29/08, Sarad AV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    I have seen even regular cafe's do that. they try to lock up almost 
> everything.
> The only difference is that i found it choking and stopped visiting them.

That maybe true for you, but still there are many who just need to get
their work done.

> I probably
> need more than a browser. i might need to download and read a ms word doc or
> ppt or an excel sheet that a friend has send in. lets say that i am a novice 
> and i
> have no clue to use open office. It would be annoying and would be easier to 
> find
> some place where i can use the tools i am familiar with.

I don't think you to type 100's of commands to do your work in
Openoffice. How can one not have clue on using openoffice? Maybe it
may seem unfamiliar for moment or two but anyone familiar with MS
Office can definitely get working with Openoffice for basic functions
in no time. And I am saying this from my experience.

>    I think people go to a cyber cafe for more than browsing. when you  
> dependent
> on MS office to get your work done and download microsoft supported formats, 
> it
> is best to have a windows machine unless the cafe owners want to loose (some)
> customers.

What does it matter? OpenOffice can open and save in MS Office formats
except for OOXML.
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