Dear all

It was wonderful function at Kamban Engg College.

The event was for 2 days i.e 19th and 20th sep.
We have planned for about 20 stalls as posted earlier.
Thyagu went there on 17th itself and started teaching the student volunteers.
I joined him on 18th. Baskar, Linxpert ceo Baskar, joined us on 19th. Ravi and 
Mohan joined on 20th. 

The students have showed exemplary interest in the exhibits. They grasped the 
things well even though the time was very short. In all about 150 students 
volunteered for the demo.

The demo was very well received by colleges and schools nearby. Roughly 4000 
students of engg colleges,polytechnic, arts & science colleges, teachers 
training and schools attended the LDD. Our LUG team gave them introduction 
about foss before they went to view exhibits.

The KEC students have formed lug name Kamban Linux User Community and the same 
was inaugurated by the college chairman.

This event was, in my opinion one of finest that ILUGC has done recently.

The success was the trio combination - the management,faculty and students.

The management was very committed to the success of event.

The faculty especially their HOD Mr.Jothishkumar was very highly dedicated to 
this. Indeed in he spent several sleepless nights, camping in the college. Hats 
off to him.

The students - really pearls. Very highly motivated, intelligent and dedicated 
especially one Shivamoorthy. I am sure FOSS community will get few more 
sudharshans from here.

Over all very excellent event.

On behalf of ILUGC I thank the College Management,Faculty especially HOD 
Mr..Jothishkumar and the students for the opportunity extended to us.


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