On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 4:00 AM, Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

>        What is the point of having testers when the benefit is not
>  passed on upstream to benefit everyone? That is the critical point in
>  Greg's talk. Ubuntu efforts benefit Ubuntu. They are not close source,
>  but unlike the rest of the free software world, they make no effort to
>  feed any changes back upstream.
Now am sure a lightning is gonna strike you and you gonna become green as a
Have you contributed to Ubuntu? or aware of the development/bug-reporting
process in Ubuntu?
If not, then let me summarize for you : It clearly says that a bug found in
upstream can either be fixed by the developer or be passed upstream - and i
personally have done this and also know that along with me thousand others
do the same.

This is an unfortunate situation in the FOSS world - consolidation and
cooperation is something that the FOSS world lacks - attacking different
schools of development should be refrained from and the best teachings of
all schools should be nurtured(as what Kapil referred to) and cultivated. I
am waiting for a true-next-generation OS that would be a mix(+advanced) of
the present OS'es and give it for free.

A similar behaviour oft seen is the attack on M$ : lets learn from them and
also assimilate the best of it in our thought process. M$ rocks for various
other reasons and we should truly appreciate(if not respect) them.

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