
It is extremely important for some one to control the chaos. Agreed!!.
This discussion was predominantly focussed whether Astrology is a
science or not. Well outwardly it is not connected to anything on a OS
or a concept/Phenomenon called FLOSS.

Positively, This discussion has made me to understand that there is a
need for Ubuntu Tamil Team in making of Indian Calendar system. I was
wondering for fine tuning a Floss software called stellarium to have
indian astrological values like creation of a birth chart. This
discussion given pointers  for me in exploring  the base question
whether Astrology is a science or not.It is not about any fanatic
values involved here.

I would call upon luggies/student who wish to contribute stellarium ,
where by we can add Indian astrological tools to the software.This is
not my bread winning job, but i would like to mentor people who are
interested in doing it. I hope and believe code contributors can
understand the substance in my view point.

Thyagarajan Shanmugham
"Ideas often die not because of starvation but because of indigestion."

PS: Stellarium has 88 constellations which are purely based on greek
mythology.I believe Stellarium needs localization and some local value
property addition.
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