On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 2:03 PM, Praveen A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> The organisers called up Kochi police and man handled the Anivar
> Aravind a former student of the Cochin University and a well known
> free software activist.

I  have been saying NONO to Mono projects for ages now :P.

But I am kinda distressed by the entire Boycott Novell campaign. Of course
Novell is a work of Satan :P but, when you have such infighting in a free
software exhibition, it does not project a good image of The Free World.

I feel people who use and promote GNU/Linux must be more focussed on
development and improvement of the OS and its various apps than be
concerned about Microsoft. When we keep complaining about Microsoft's
stupidity (which need not be actually spoken about), we behave more like
fighting over their favorite Power Ranger. I used to be a "Not that Windows
sh*t" kinda first year kid at college. But for over a year now, I dont nag
telling them that windows sucks. I give them an Ubuntu/Fedora Live CD/DVD
and let them choose for themselves. I find it has a better effect on them.
Previously, they thought I was merely trying to act "cool and different".
they actually see my point.

I am not saying that we must stay shut when Microsoft says "Hey, That Linux
kernel uses  the scheduler hand coded by Paul Allen way back in his 5th
But I strongly feel that referring to the OS as Winblows or Windoze on
etc is childish. We know we are at a different plane. Let us not stoop down
the level of Microsoft which believes in whining about everything. A classic
being this *http://tinyurl.com/2n6tc3*

I dont care how many computers have Windows on them. I dont care about how
Windows 7 is going to shape. All I care to worry about is whether GNU/Linux
for me and how I  can help improve it! I go any distance I can for people
who want
to actually see the alternative. But I dont waste my breath for those who
obstinate and say "I feel Microsoft is the best. Are all other Microsoft
users fools?"


Ashok `ScriptDevil` Gautham
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