On Tuesday 18 November 2008 02:07:18 am satish wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-11-17 at 11:06 -0500, varadarajan narayanan wrote:
> > We are a multilingual society. And this is ILUGC ( Chennai)
> > Tamil is perfectly acceptable.
> but it does not really serve the purpose when what you meant is not
> understood by the other party !

I face this problem all the time in North India - they automatically assume I 
know Hindi and keep talking Hindi. I used to protest, but now I have given 
up - I assume that if they are not interested in whether I understand them, 
what they are saying is not worth listening to. I can read Tamil, but not as 
fast as English, and with email, anything I cannot scan at a glance, I 
delete. No time for anything else. So I simply assume that this stuff is not 
important enough to read. Common courtesy dictates that one should make 
oneself understood - sure, post in Tamil or Hindi or Swahili for that matter, 
but have the courtesy to attach a summary in English. Otherwise it is just 
bad manners - and highly impolite.

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