One Day One GNU/Linux Command 

fg -- Place a job in the ForeGround.


Normally user can run many jobs in background, by adding & at end of
the command (ex: sleep 10 &).

fg is a shell command. It is used to move a job from background to the
foreground, as if it is NOT started with `&'. If JOB is not present,
then current/last job is used.


$ sleep 100 & -- Start a dummy job in background.

$ fg -- Move the last job to foreground.

$ sleep 150 & -- Dummy job 1

$ sleep 140 & -- Dummy job 2

$ sleep 130 & -- Dummy job 3

$ jobs -- List all active jobs.

$ fg 2 -- Move the 2nd active job to foreground.

Read: help fg, jobs

HTH :)
Bharathi S

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