People have been talking about speeding up boot times.

Here is an alternative strategy to make your desktop/laptop quickly
usable whenever you need it.

 Do not *ever* shutdown unless you are upgrading the kernel or grub.

With suspend-to-disk[*] working on most systems around, there is no
reason to ever shutdown. Even library upgrades can be done by
"kill -HUP"ping or "restart"ing some daemons/processes.

Replace your shutdown command with a hibernate/s2disk/tuxonice. You
can power-down your system after such a procedure.

In my experience hibernate and resume times for a typical desktop are
lower than bootup times.

As long as you do not access your hibernated disk areas, you can even
use a different O/S in the intervening period.

You can also build a tremendous "uptime" record in spite of Chennai's
power cuts.

[*] Not to be confused with suspend-to-ram which is mostly only for
laptops and even there is perhaps invoked only after some
superstitious invocations.

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