Suraj Kumar wrote:
Ideally, we would have a computer kiosk where people can access wikipedia.
But besides Internet connection and Computer Literacy being limiting factors
there are other practical problems of Rural india - Frequent power supply
failures, 'fear' amongst rural india's peoples to use computers, etc., So
obviously, doing it through a computer with internet connection is out of
question here.
Wow, hearing something similar to what I have been with (through my employer) for the past 2 years :) We operate Rural Telcenters, or Technology Enabled Rural Kiosks, all over Karnataka and few other states. From our experience what we have learnt is rather than taking technology to rural people, taking benefits of technology to them is more beneficial and meaningful. For example, they do not ideally want a computer and internet to go and book tickets, all they want is a place where they can utilize such a facility. They do not want a computer and internet to pay their utility bills. They want a place with such a facility that they can easily pay their bills in their own villages.

Although the idea of Wiki-enabled Kiosk sounds interesting, we also need to count the literacy level of the villagers to use such a facility. How will they go and find an information they want? Do they know to type the keyword to get their information? While providing a reliable internet connection over rural India still remains a challenge, the further challenge is maintaining these so called kiosks. The main problem is high frequency of power outages and management of resources.

To mention some similar endeavors, check out Nemmadi project by GoK and RBCs operated by Comat in Karnataka and by OneRoof in certain parts of TN.

With Regards,

Parthan "technofreak" (2FF01026)

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