Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
> I am a little confused here. Who is 'we'? And why would any sane person 
> strive 
> to achieve 'feature parity' with doze? And what is GNU theory? AFAIK hurd is 
> still not usable. I personally found linux far easier to use than doze back 
> in 
> 1995 - and as for 'feature parity' I was under the impression that doze is 
> striving for that vis-a-vis linux. In fact, the other day I heard someone say 
> that the latest IE is almost as good as firefox!

'We' as in Linux users. Isn't missing applications one of the excuses to use 
Windows ?
My point was - that is no longer true since Linux has pretty much a complete 

I don't think we are even arguing here. You do acknowledge that Linux is far 
to 'doze', but as for HURD, imo, that's a lost cause. :)

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