It is not really about one party or the other, I guess. There seems to be a
good level awareness among Government officials about need for open

Have a look at this tender document for developing and maintaining website
for Income Tax  Department.

It talks about Non-proprietory Document Formats, Accessibility Issues, CSS
based design and sets the eligibility criteria quite low (at Rs 50 lakh per
annum turnover for 3 years).

The requirements look designed for a open source solution provider to bid
low enough and win the contract. Any proprietary software based bid does not
stand a chance, if (a big IF) an open source bids goes through the first

Best regards,

Ma Sivakumar

 மா சிவகுமார்
எல்லோரும் எல்லாமும் பெற வேண்டும்

On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 12:35 AM, Bhargav Prasanna <> wrote:

> Whatever it is, I'm certain that political parties aren't trying to
> woo us to vote for them! :)
> Yes. It would be really wonderful to have a country up and running on
> FOSS..
> I remember reading somewhere, ZDNet i think, that this will draw flak
> from the proprietary software community and that there'll be lots of
> obstacles and hindrances from 'enemies', Microsoft topping the list..
> I won't be surprised of Microsoft agrees to develop a basic open
> source OS for the smartphones which the BJP plans to distribute if
> they come to power. :)
> --
> May the source be with you.
> Bhargav Prasanna
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